Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Page Objects are not enough

The Page Object design pattern is one of the most popular patterns in test automation just because it promotes test maintenance and unifies the way QA teams work. As the pattern dictates, a page object is the representation of an html page using objects. The objects contain the html element addresses (Xpath, Css or DOM) and the user actions on them as methods (press, input, select, etc.).

Although the page objects pattern is widely accepted, our work experience showed that it is inadequate in fully describing an html page because it lacks the ability to represent the business logic of the page. In order to solve this problem we use a complimentary entity to the page object, the business object.

The business object is a class containing the business logic behind the page. An example of html page business logic is the validation of the mandatory fields of a form. The page object by its definition could not contain the aforementioned logic it can only carry the info that pressing the submitting button an error is raised without reasoning. The business object compliments the page object in having a method for trying to submit a form without the mandatory fields completed and an error is raised. The complimenting nature of the business object stands because the business objects uses the page object’s methods to assemble the logic thus its methods are a collection of page object methods.

The breakthrough of this approach in the representation of the html page is that it keeps a clear separation of the logic from the html elements introducing an abstraction layer for the business object thus separating future changes in the page logic from its locators. In addition it may introduce reusability (a business object may exist in more than one pages hence page objects). Using the previous example a possible subtraction of a mandatory field does not affect the page object only the business one thus the change is marked in a single place.

In a later post I will try to expand on how to implement our business objects and what we do in special cases such as repeating pages with in the software under test.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Gray box testing is the way to adapt for automation testing

When we finished the design of our objects for setting up the preconditions of an automated test case we showed it to one of our developers and his first reaction was “it is the same with the app’s domain model”. This comment made me think that knowing the application internals would be extremely useful in developing correct test scripts.  Knowing this had me thinking that the gray box testing would be more appropriate in our automation tests than black box, thus a switch to that direction is worth considering.

Why is gray box more appropriate in automation and not manual testing? Because any automation tester will have the technical skills to understand the internals of a software application and to prepare the appropriate testing code to interface with available hooks or services, something that a manual (non-programming-savvy) tester would not have.

As a case study I used the current project I was working for. In this project there was a front end used as an emulator of an external system. The front-end app is retrieving data from a database. Black box testing ignores were the front-end app gets its data as long as the displayed data is correct. While this is acceptable for any functional test case, the big picture is revealing shady areas of operations. For example for large amount of data we need pagination (more effort and man hours out of the developers), in parallel testing there are significant delays due to concurrency issues (front-end was not designed initially for heavy duty traffic) and in some cases there was data loss misleading the testing team into opening false defects.

Switching in gray box testing to identify the internals (understanding how data is written to database and how it is queried by the front-end) was simple with the usage of some Spring connectors to read the database. The advantages were the following:

  •           No more maintenance for the front end emulator
  •           Parallel testing speed up
  •           Single point of failure (database not emulator)

Switching to gray box testing made our scripts more robust and lifted the maintenance effort from the development team therefore becoming more suitable for our needs.  Expanding the gray box testing technique allowed us to start using services like JMX to communicate with the app in more accurate and direct way, leading in testing various paths inside the app’s code that were not exposed to us initially. This assisted us in revealing not functional but bottleneck-related bugs of the software.

Gray box testing is the way to go for any automation tester because it can reveal potential bottlenecks inside the code before the performance test does and because it simplifies the way test scripts are created. Gray box testing pushes you to learn more tools to hook into the app thus expanding your software development skills thus becoming a better automation engineer.

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